Receive comprehensive care with The BodyTalk Way, addressing all your healthcare needs with holistic wellness.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Embrace The Healing Magic Of The BodyTalk Way

Unlock the wisdom within your body and embark on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being. Embrace the healing magic of BodyTalk Way—where your body's language becomes the key to revitalization and harmony.
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Years of Experience

Energy Balancing

Stress Relief

What is Body Talk?

Body Talk is a holistic treatment therapy rooted in the understanding that the body has inherent healing capabilities that work better than any other method of treatment.  

There are 3 principles of BodyTalk, first is to establish what is going on in the body by asking about it. Second is to find out through the links that we can establish in the body to improve communication systems, and then we tap into the body to get the brain to work on bringing required changes to normalize health patterns of the body.

Each of us has an innate wisdom in the body which is constantly trying to communicate  with us. At times, the communication efforts of this wisdom can be broken down. With BodyTalk, we work on accessing the wisdom of the body through neuromuscular biofeedback in order to determine the issue and how to treat it.

Ms. Bhavna Wadhwa

Ms. Bhavna Wadhwa

Our Services



BodyTalk is a technique that revives the body’s natural healing capabilities.


BodyTalk is a safe, non-invasive form of holistic care that relies on the body’s inherent healing capabilities. It is an effective mix of ancient wisdom and modern approaches, with proven results and worldwide growth.
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One-on-One Life Coaching

Custom coaching unlocks potential, sparks life changes.

One-on-One Life Coaching

With specialized coaching meant to help you reach your greatest potential and bring about transformation, you may maximize your abilities and revolutionize your life.
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Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Wellness Unveiled: Decode Your Body’s Messages for Healing

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Years of Experience
Enhance and enrich your quality of life with BodyTalk.
Why Choose Us

Harmonize Your Being: Healing Through The Wisdom of BodyTalk Way

Discover comprehensive well-being through our customized BodyTalk sessions. These non-invasive, needs-based sessions enhance general well-being by promoting healing and balance. Accept BodyTalk’s transforming potential for a happier, healthier existence.

Holistic Approach

Addresses your physical, mental and emotional wellness to preserve a healthy balance.

Personalised Treatment

Healing can never be one-size fits all, so we customise healing plans based on your needs.

Licensed Practitioner

It remains a priority to adhere to ethical standards and maintain professionalism.

Proven Record

Our commitment is reaffirmed by a proven track record of transformative outcomes.


Our Testimonials

Explore moving tales revealing BodyTalk Way profound influence, showcasing life-changing stories that illuminate the mind-body bond’s transformative power.

"Hii Bhavna, I feel so relaxed, which I have not felt ever since. It worked like magic on me. I am so blessed to know about bodyTalk, its practitioners."

Rajesh Sharma

"BodyTalk, without realizing it, was the only thing that cured my migraines, which I had since I was a kid. I want my loved ones to experience the same awe and release experience with every session."


"Hi Bhavna My gut feels so much stronger, and I feel light like a feather emotionally. I didn't feel anything yesterday, but today I feel better . "

Dubai, UAE

Reach Out Today To Make An Appointment